Thursday, February 28, 2013

Quiet Book Cover

Here is a tutorial I created to finish our quiet books with a cover.  We can give credit to Serving Pink Lemonade for inspiration for our quiet books and covers.  Click to see other ideas for pages you might like to create following her link to her quiet book.
What you'll need:
2 pieces of felt cut 11x20
2 pieces of felt cut 1x7
10 1/2" leash-left over from the dog page (ends singed)
3- 1 1/2" rings
1" square velco
2 sheets of 8x10" Pellon peltex (again optional, but I like it so it's sturdier)
* If you decide to use 2 sheets of Pellon you'll need to pay $1 extra per book, my tutiorial is shown using the extra pellon but it can just as easily be left out.
Here I have the cut felt double layered
Start by sewing together the two small pieces of felt, around the edge. 
Here is what it will look like, this will be your strap
Next sew on the rough half of the velcro onto the strap
Here is where the optional pellon would be put inside the cover.  I just placed mine near each of the ouside edges.  I didn't end up sewing through the pellon until a later step.  
(The pellon is inbetween the felt on the far left and far right)
Pin all round the outside like shown, be sure to insert your strap on the right side in the middle (as shown).  

To secure the pellon in place I marked with chalk a straight line about a quarter of an inch in from the edge of the pellon.  Stitch along the line through the pellon to secure placement of the pellon. 
 Here is how that should look
 Next we'll do the binding.  Be sure you've singed your leash from our leftover dog page

 Pin the leash on each end and in 6 other places by using a ruler:
holding the ruler at the top of the leash pin on the 3/4", 1 1/4", 5", 5 1/2", 9 1/4" and 9 3/4".  Where you have placed the pins is exactly where you will want to stitch using a zig zag stitch to secure your binding. I went back and forth several times to ensure a very secure stitch for the rings to fit through.  You'll end up stitching 6 places plus be sure to secure the top and bottom of the leash at the ends.

 Another picture of how the pins look
 I stitched right over them with the zig zag stitch

 How your stitching should look, now you can place your rings through your 1/2" slots
To figure where I wanted the other half of my velcro I placed my rings and pages in to get an idea of how thick it was.
 I like mine a little loose so I can add more pages if I want to later

Pin and stitch around the velcro

Your book is done!

Here is how I thought the pages looked best but of course you can do it in any order you perfer.

Picking apples attached with snaps

Weaving / Velcro color matching balloon

 Zipper / Shoe tying

Button flower primary colors / Dog collar, leash, velcro ear

Learning to braid

I hope your children enjoy these books as much as I've enjoyed creating them with your help!

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